
Hello, I’m Dr. W, Head of BASIS International School Bangkok. At the start of this Academic Year, I embarked on an enlightening journey titled “A Day in a Life as a BASIS Student.” This initiative was designed to deepen my understanding and appreciation of our school’s unique teaching methods and the student experience through the first-hand perspective of shadowing students across different Grades.

Origin of the Idea

The idea sprouted from my past experiences where I engaged in learning new skills from students, like inline skating taught by a fourth Grader. These experiences were shared school-wide through assemblies and were a great way to connect with students. Inspired to take this a step further at BASIS, I decided to shadow a student from each Grade level, starting from Grade 9 down to Grade 1, to truly grasp the nuances of our spiralling and accelerated curriculum from various student perspectives.

Daily Insights from a Student’s Perspective

Primary School

Experiencing the Engineering classes first-hand was truly enlightening. As a Head of School, I am amazed at how our curriculum is organized into different disciplines, each fascinating in its own right. The school year kicks off with an introduction to engineering where, from a student’s perspective, we dive into the various engineering disciplines, exploring different types of technology and the engineering design process. This introductory phase is crucial as it teaches us about planning, perspectives, and the importance of safety, culminating in hands-on activities like using rulers, tape measures, and scales.

In the Civil Engineering sessions, we, the students, tackle projects related to city planning and delve into the complexities of urban and rural water and sewer systems. We explore energy systems, including renewable and coal-powered sources, learning about pollution, water filtration, road construction, and their environmental impacts. The practical aspect of building bridges is particularly engaging, providing us with a tangible connection to the theories we discuss.

Mechanical Engineering introduces us to the world of simple machines, gears, and pulley systems. The lessons extend to basic physics, thermal energy, pneumatics, mechatronics, and even automation systems, making each class a journey through the fundamentals of machinery and motion.

Our journey through Computer Engineering begins with block-based coding in the early Grades, advancing to text-based coding by Grade 3. We tackle both the hardware and software aspects of computers, immersing ourselves in HTML, CSS, and PYTHON coding languages. This area of study not only enhances our technical skills but also prepares us for future technological challenges.

Middle School

Academic Enrichment (AE), as described by Megan, a Grade 7 student, provides a unique and vital component to our school day at BASIS. According to Megan, “AE, also known as Academic Enrichment, is a study hall period that lasts around an hour every day. AE is a crucial tool that students need for numerous reasons.” These lessons take place at a place called ‘Connections’, it is a dynamic space where students work independently or collaborate with peers, all under the guidance of teachers.

Megan points out the practical uses of AE, noting, “Firstly, the most common way students spend AE is doing their homework. At a school like BASIS, where there is a lot of homework, it’s extremely important to have school time to seek help.” This structured time allows students to manage their extensive homework loads effectively and access immediate help from teachers, promoting deeper understanding and fostering independent learning skills.

Furthermore, Megan highlights the tailored academic support during AE, stating, “Another way student spend AE is through activities with their teachers that are designed to help student specifically. If a student is struggling in some areas, during AE, teachers will be able to provide the resources that a particular student need.” AE has evolved to include Academic Coaching sessions where Grade 9 students mentor younger students, significantly enhancing the learning environment and opportunities for both mentors and mentees.

AE also serves as a crucial catch-up time for students who may have missed school. Megan explains, “If a student misses a day of school, they can use AE to catch up.” Beyond academics, AE offers a platform for students to engage in IAMS, student-led clubs focusing on arts, which Megan believes helps in relieving stress and exploring non-academic talents.

In conclusion, as Megan articulately puts it, AE’s flexibility and support system are indispensable to the students at BASIS. It not only aids in academic success but also in personal growth and stress relief, making it an essential part of the school experience.

High School

Grade 9 student, Hua, shares her remarkable experience with the accelerated curriculum at BASIS International School, which allowed her to take Advanced Placement (AP) exams typically reserved for Grade 11 students. Hua states, “Recently, I had just taken my first ever two Advanced Placement exams which included AP Physics I and AP World History Modern.” This is a testament to the unique educational framework at BASIS that enables younger students to engage with advanced academic challenges.

Reflecting on the curriculum structure, Hua explains, “Basis International School networks offered an advanced spiral learning curriculum that built students’ knowledge from the basics and continued building up from the strong base, students in BASIS networks are able to take the advanced placement class on their first year of high school.” This approach is integral to preparing students like Hua for such rigorous exams ahead of the usual schedule.

Hua credits her readiness and success in part to the school’s supportive teaching methods and exam preparation strategies, noting, “The teachers were professionally trained to educate each individual and to prepare them into the exam field with full confidence. BASIS had also provided the mock exams for students to be prepared for their test taking environment to reduce any potential stress once taking the actual one.” The school’s dedication to thorough preparation is further highlighted by a full-day review session before each exam, ensuring that students feel confident and well-prepared.

In my experience shadowing Grade 9 students at BASIS, I’ve observed first-hand the immense benefits of such an accelerated and supportive environment. Students, much like Hua, are not only academically prepared but are also equipped with the confidence to tackle and succeed in challenges that are traditionally aimed at older students. This preparation is particularly evident in subjects like AP Physics and World History, where BASIS students excel in these challenging exams well ahead of their peers from other schools.

Student Reactions

The project was eye-opening for the students as well. Many expressed that seeing an adult engage in learning alongside them was inspiring and clarified the learning process. It helped them see that learning is a lifelong journey, not just confined to youth.

Reflections and Highlights

My shadowing experience at BASIS was not just a passive observation; it was an immersive engagement that provided me with a deep understanding of our educational strategies and the palpable academic zeal among the students.

The accelerated curriculum at BASIS is evident in practice. Lessons progress rapidly, featuring smooth transitions that keep the momentum of learning high. Students not only acquire knowledge swiftly but also hone their thinking and communication skills. They learn effective note-taking, use these notes to enhance their responses, and are encouraged to draw connections throughout the learning process. I was particularly impressed by the organizational prowess students across all grades displayed, managing their course journals (CJs), subject folders, and the essential BASIS backpacks—all designed to support their educational journey.

Moreover, the consistency in lesson structure across grades—from writing lesson objectives in CJs to starting with ‘do-now’ exercises—strengthens the students’ comprehension and awareness of their learning objectives. This systematic approach provides students with clear reference points to anchor their learning.

During the Academic Enrichment (AE) periods, which differ from regular scheduled lessons, I observed a different kind of learning dynamic. Students had the freedom to engage in class or group projects at their own pace, fostering responsibility and independence. The atmosphere during these sessions was vibrant, filled with collaborative energy and eagerness from the students, which was truly inspiring to witness.

The school schedule is methodically designed to balance intensity with breaks. Five-minute intervals between classes allow students to rest, hydrate, or prepare for the next session. Snack, lunch, and recess times offer flexible opportunities for social interaction or a quick homework review, contributing to a well-rounded school day.

Experiencing the BASIS school day first-hand was enlightening. It’s a dynamic environment where students are continuously stimulated and challenged academically. This experience not only made me feel joyful but also helped me appreciate why the students feel similarly enthusiastic about their school day.


Overall, “A Day in a Life as a BASIS Student” was more than just an administrative exercise; it was a heartening immersion into the student world of BASIS, reinforcing the effectiveness of our educational strategies and the enthusiastic spirit of our students. It was a vivid reminder of why we do what we do at BASIS International School Bangkok.

I hope sharing these experiences helps our parents and the broader school community appreciate the depth and breadth of our educational commitments and the daily realities our students embrace with enthusiasm and determination. I like to thank all students and parents for supporting this project, especially the students that I shadowed, these are: Johnny 1Mg, Cheau 2K, Jaydai 3Ar, Sun 4Si, Anda 5Ni, Preme 6Fe, Fifi 6Fe, Thee 7Ga, Meefah 8Ti, Lunge 8Ti and Chance 9Zr

Thank you for being a part of our journey towards educational excellence.

Dr. W

Head of School